Monday, October 25, 2010

Family questions

Hi guys,

Judith found this great video in youtube that will help you practice your listening comprehension skills. Here is the task:

1. Go to the following link and watch the video (it takes around 4 minutes):

2. Then watch it again and make up a question you would like your partners to answer when watching the video. Example: What problem did Steph's father's parents have when they came to America?

3. Finally post the question and wait for a partner to post the answer.

If you need help you can ask Judith to give you a hand.

Enjoy this practice!!

Describing somebody else's family

Hi everybody,
Here is a new post so you can practice description of families. Go to the link below in which you will find famous people family trees (including mine, ha ha ha). Choose a family tree and look at it. Then post a short description about that family.

Good luck!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tell me about your teacher!

Hi everybody,

I'm sorry I did not post anything last week but I was kind of sick. Anyway, I'm back! This time I would like you to play reporters for me. The only thing I know about your teacher is her name. I'd like to know more about her. Please ask her as many questions as you can and post of some of her answers here so I can get to know her more.

Good luck. I'll be waiting for your information.